On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 21:36 +0200, Erwan David wrote:
> 2821
Indeed. I'm glad you pointed that out;

4.2.5 Reply Codes After DATA and the Subsequent <CRLF>.<CRLF>

   When an SMTP server returns a positive completion status (2yz code)
   after the DATA command is completed with <CRLF>.<CRLF>, it accepts
   responsibility for:

   -  delivering the message (if the recipient mailbox exists)
The interesting part here is in the parentheses.

"(if the recipient mailbox exists)"

So the RFC's don't say a recipient has to exist. Therefore we can accept
RFC 2821 compliant mail and the Postfix would need to Postscatter and
invalid recipient bounce? Yes? Tell you what - it would be a great idea
to be able to turn off Postscatter to stop this - yes?

Then this bit;

   -  if attempts to deliver the message fail due to transient
      conditions, retrying delivery some reasonable number of times at
      intervals as specified in section 4.5.4.

What happens after the 'attempt to redeliver' fail? Postscatter or drop?
We can't really drop it can we? We've taken responsibility for it and we
would ***HAVE*** to bounce it. Yes?

Still, it's a retarded idea to be able to disable Postscatter - people
should bloody well follow the RFC's and set up there servers

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