On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 01:54:54PM -0400, Carlos Williams wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Victor
> Duchovni<victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> > This is the default value. You don't need this, unless someone
> > (perhaps an O/S distribution) supplied you with a main.cf file
> > that overrides the default.
> Hmmm... I am using the Debian provided main.cf when I used apt-get to
> install their package version of Postfix. I can see that this is a
> default value in "postconf -d" but when I run "postconf -n" I don't
> see it listed. Does that mean my main.cf is not recognizing this
> parameter?
> [r...@mail ~]# postconf -d | grep -i mailbox_command
> mailbox_command =
> mailbox_command_maps =
> [r...@mail ~]# postconf -n | grep -i mailbox_command
> [r...@mail ~]#

You are all set. Parameters not reported with "-n" take their default
"-d" values.


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