Ignacio Garcia wrote:
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Hi there. We use both postgrey and policyd-weight to block spam.
policyd-weight checks against several RBL and DNSBL so each time a mail
 is received several queries are done in order to get a score. On the
other side, we have a filter with postgrey that checks for EHLOs from
plain IPs, and common names in rdns for residential connections
(broadband|dyn|adsl|...), so we do not greylist everybody. Currently
we've had policyd-weight do its work before postgrey. Running
policyd-weight first means more dns queries (which are not all local),
and running postgrey first means more local disk i/o since it has to run
a list, although I guess it will not be that much.

Does anybody has experience with them? Which one would you declare first
in smtpd_recipient_restrictions? I should consider which one of these 2
perl scripts runs faster and uses less resources, and I don't know how.

It depends on your configuration of both policyd-weight and Postgrey: you want to perform the most cost-effective checks first.

My guess would be that Postgrey is more cost-effective; that is, you should place it first. However, you could easily have configured them the other way around.

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