
Is there any way we can consolidate multiple maillog files ( from single
domain) but different hosts.
I am trying to bring up mailgraph (http://mailgraph.schweikert.ch/) to read
from one single source  for log file.
Since rrd tool  is very strict about the records in the log it doesnt pick
the expression i passed to read multiple log files.
The mailgraph initscript has a "MAILLOG" variable which need the actual log
file location. I tried to feed  an expression  but failed.

# Startup script for the mailgraph service
# chkconfig: - 82 28
# description: mailgraph mail log file analyzer
# processname: mailgraph
# pidfile: /var/run/mailgraph.pid
# config:
# Provides:          mailgraph
# Required-Start:    $local_fs
# Should-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: Start mailgraph daemon
# Description:       Mailgraph is a very simple mail statistics RRDtool
#                    frontend for Postfix and Sendmail that produces daily,
#                    weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of received/sent and
#                    bounced/rejected mail.

MAILLOG=`ls -rt /home/maillogs/Log[1-9]/*`
exit $RETVAL

So different maillogs are in specific directory /home/maillogs/Log1 2 3 and
onwards . But i need a way to consolidate it in single file which
could be used by mailgraph.
Any pointer to the right direction is welcome.


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