* Michael Monnerie <michael.monne...@is.it-management.at> wrote:
> On Mittwoch 22 Juli 2009 Stefan Förster wrote:
> > What excatly are you trying to do with Sieve filtering?
> Yes, zarafa-dagent delivers, but you can tell it where:
> See http://forums.zarafa.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2759
> Example procmail:
>       :0w
>         * ^X-Original-To: spam-t...@otherdomain.example
>         | /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent $USER -CF Inbox\\SPAM_trapped
>         EXITCODE=$?
> Maybe I can do the same with dovecot-deliver as Ralf suggested. I'll try 
> this tonight.

You should be aware of http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Sieve. Quote:

"Note that Sieve doesn't support running external programs."


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