On Monday 27 July 2009 01:21:43 pm Magnus Bäck wrote:
> On Monday, July 27, 2009 at 18:05 CEST,
>      Pablo Yaggi <pya...@alsurdelsur.com> wrote:
> > On Monday 27 July 2009 12:46:04 pm Magnus Bäck wrote:
> > > On Monday, July 27, 2009 at 16:37 CEST,
> > >      Pablo Yaggi <pya...@alsurdelsur.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > >       taking a deep look into your example, I notice
> > > > the restriction is only applied to example.com, isn't it ?
> > > 
> > > Yes.
> > > 
> > > > if this is the case, I have a problem on doing it, my list of domains
> > > > is virtual, so I need to restrict the test to them, is it possible ?
> > > 
> > > The address class of your domains is irrelevant. Just put one line per
> > > domain into the access table.
> > > 
> > > example.com             permit_pop_before_smtp, reject
> > > example.net             permit_pop_before_smtp, reject
> > > example.org             permit_pop_before_smtp, reject
> > > 
> > 
> > But the problem with this, is I'm using virtual domains with
> > sql database (I thought I told you, my mistake), this is my conf:
> How you store the data doesn't matter. You just need to construct a
> `mysql' lookup table configuration that returns the desired string
> iff the domain is one of your domains. For example, the following
> query could satisfy that requirement:
> SELECT 'permit_pop_before_smtp, reject' FROM domains WHERE name = '%u'
> [...]

Ok, I see the concept now. I did it and it seems to be working,
now I'll try to make sasl work (pluginviewer is showing nothing) ,
thank's a lot,
best reagards 

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