>From my logs:

Aug 11 00:00:04 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 00:16:46 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 00:33:33 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 00:50:19 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 01:07:06 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 19:46:01 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 20:02:42 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 20:19:25 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 23:06:31 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 23:23:12 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 
Aug 11 23:39:57 mail-ausfall postfix/master[19771]: warning: service "smtp" 
(25) has reached its process limit "1": new clients may experience noticeable 

And yes, according to master.cf I have:

# ==========================================================================
# service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
#               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (50)
# ==========================================================================

smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       1       postscreen

But what exactly is happening here? Of course the limit's 1 and one
process is always running. What would cause this, especially in the
middle of the night?

mail_version = 2.7-20090807

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