Olivier Nicole a écrit :

server_host = zimbra.pcsol.be

Are you sure your server is running on port 389? Would you run TLS?

>From your Postfix machine, can you access the LDAP server on zimbra
machine (no firewall)?

I would try ldapsearch command on the postfix machine to make sure
that all the parameters in ldap-localusers.cf are valid.

I think you need to bind in any case, if you do not configure a
bind_dn and a bind_pw, it will make an anonymous bind, but I think you
have to bind to your LDAP server before you can make a query.

If you bind anonymously, you must make sure that the attributes you
are searching for are readable.

Best regards,

I can read my ldap with ldapsearch :
ldapsearch -x -b "ou=people,dc=pcsol,dc=be" -H "ldap://zimbra.pcsol.be"

Here is a sample of the output :
# info, people, pcsol.be
dn: uid=info,ou=people,dc=pcsol,dc=be
zimbraId: 96743ab5-9494-4877-bf69-56a83e268a1f
zimbraMailStatus: enabled
mail: i...@pcsol.be
zimbraMailAlias: i...@pcsol.be
uid: info
objectClass: zimbraDistributionList
objectClass: zimbraMailRecipient
zimbraMailForwardingAddress: celine.clai...@pcsol.be
zimbraMailForwardingAddress: didier.lecle...@pcsol.be

When I delete "bind = no", and I set bind_pw and bin_dn, I get the same error :
postmap -q 'bla...@pcsol.be' ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-localusers.cf
postmap: warning: dict_ldap_connect: Unable to bind to server ldap://zimbra.pcsol.be:389 as uid=root,ou=people,dc=pcsol,dc=be: 2 (Protocol error)

The "protocol error" let me think that there is a problem with encryption somewhere??

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