Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> escribió:

hello list

Turns out I use a webmail (horde) in my workplace but apparently has a
bug, somehow are generating large numbers of messages to various
servers on the internet, yahoo, aol, hotmail and others. to keep me
look like an open relay server.

Sep 11 03:01:43 serverlinux postfix/pickup[30772]: 902E78F327: uid=48

To block mail from the web daemon, use

   authorized_submit_users = !httpd, static:anyone

Instead of httpd specify the user that has uid 48.


Yes ,but that uid belong to apache , if i block then my users can't write messages truth horde webmail?

Webmail, servicio de correo electronico
Casa de las Americas - La Habana, Cuba.

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