On Sep 25, 2009, at 6:34 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:

Patrick Ben Koetter:
Everybody seems to use recipient delimiters. I wonder if there's a standard that specifies a recipient delimiter functionality or did it just appear one
day and people adopted it without a spec or anything.

Anybody knows?

As far as I know, the basic email RFCs have no concept of structured
local parts.  All they require is that the local part of an address
satisfies the syntax rules. If you know that you will never have
a username with an 'x' in it, you could use 'x' as the field

However, there are some developments for "subaddress" support, e.g.

this brings to mind: I've long used plussed addresses and love that feature but my only complaint is that many systems disallow the + sign in an e-mail address... is there a way to have a character bag work as the delimiter? i.e. any of a list of characters? (obviously a dot "." could also serve well as a delimiter since it's well accepted... but not as nice as + or /, or even -)

- e

p.s there's another good reason for me: my address is e...@arix.com which is too short for many sites... so I usually then use e +siten...@arix.com which allows me to know, when I get spam at that address, where my address was stolen from.

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