Michel Bulgado put forth on 9/29/2009 9:22 AM:

> I have implemented in my external mail servers several mechanisms to
> stop spammers, I am using postgrey + policy-weight and blacklists such
> as Spamhaus (Zen) in addition 
> smtpd_helo_restrictions. with this slows down the spam, but I keep
> getting spam messages. is therefore wish to implement bogofilter. 
> No offense, maybe not as genius as it is you, or have that much
> experience you have. but I am interested in improving and maintaining my
> system with the knowledge I possess

Given your situation, may I humbly suggest you also join the spam-l
mailing list:


Collective spam fighting experience there going back to pre-1996.  There
are many Postfix users there, some who x-over to this list, including
mouss, /dev/rob0, and myself (apologies to others I missed).

Specifically, you may receive better attention there as to blocking the
"spams that are still getting through".

Adding to the choir, removing sendmail is the first step to solving your
immediate problem.


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