Hi all,

are there any possibilities to check multiple recipients based on
check_recipient_access restriction ? I mean, I would like to
reject mails from concrete sender to(concrete) multiple recipients,
for example sent mail from b...@example.com to j...@example.com
copy to e...@example.com will be rejected, but mail sent to individuals will
be allowed.

I tried to do it with restrtiction classes as follows:

smtpd_sender_restrtiction = check_sender_access

smtpd_restriction_classes = checkfirst, checksecond
checkfirst = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/checkfirst
checksecond = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/checksecond

b...@example.com    checkfirst

j...@example.com    checksecond

e...@example.com    REJECT

But I think it cannot be used check_recipient_access two times
for one mail...because when I changed the checksecond class
check_recipient_access with check_client_access, it worked.

Any ideas?

thanx a lot


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