mouss put forth on 10/3/2009 8:32 AM:

> instead of relying on To, use recipient delimiter to route the tapped
> mail to say stan+s...@..., then have TB use the Delivered-To header that
> is added by postfix. of course, you can do this at delivery time (sieve
> if dovecot, maildrop rules if courier, ... etc).

I just reconfigured the rule to filter on 'to <trap-a...@domain.tld>'
being in the received headers.  That should sufficiently fix the issue
for now.  I'm using recipient_bcc_maps to send copies of all these trap
messages to a, umm, organization, and I need to keep the original
headers intact.

Thanks for the suggestion though mouss.  I may implement something like
that down the road.


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