On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 10:13:33AM +0000, Duncan B. wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am setting up an SMTP backup MX server for a customer, and one of their 
> specifications is that we check incoming mail for NDR/bounce mails without 
> a valid "watermark".  Surfcontrol adds a header similar to 'X-SEF'
> with a UUID on outbound mail, so any mail that's a bounce without this UUID 
> header will be invalid.
> I will have to use the header_checks regexp directive, but how do I ONLY 
> perform this check for a bounce (ie, MAIL FROM: <>) ?

You need a suitable content_filter or milter. No built-in Postfix feature
checks for the absence of a header, let alone conditions such a check
on the envelope sender address.


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