
>>  said: 421 smtp01.example.com Error: timeout exceeded (in reply to end
>> of DATA command))
> Unfortunately, you deleted lots of useful information from the
> logging, including the break-down of handshake delays and of
> transmission delays.

I wasn't sure that I should post the whole queued message here.

> When the receiver times out receiving data, the problem is more
> likely to be at the TCP level, so no amount of verbose Postfix
> logging is going to help.

Ah, makes sense.

> - Broken TCP window scaling support in firewall or end-host. Postfix
>  2.6 and later have a main.cf:tcp_windowsize parameter. Setting
>  this to some value under 65536 will work around this, otherwise
>  you'd have to poke the kernel with sysctl or whatever.

Many of the messages themselves are less than 65k. Does this make a difference?

Why would it only be broken handling some messages and not others? Or
is that what only tcpdump would be able to tell us?

> debug_peer_list can turn on logging for specific sites, not messages.

It's really more of a mail router, so only handles mail for a single domain :-(

Thanks again,

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