On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 09:43:23PM +0100, Rene Bartsch wrote:

> > On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 08:28:35PM +0100, Rene Bartsch wrote:
> >
> >> smtpd needs 24 MByte per client connection.
> >
> > You may not be measuring correctly, are you sure you are not counting
> > shared executable pages or otherwise mapped read-only pages.
> Output of "top":
> 7159 postfix   20   0   79960  24m  3332  S  0     12.4  0:00.14  smtpd
> 7897 postfix   20   0   79204  23m  2736  S  0     11.7  0:00.10  smtpd

As expected, you are not measuring correctly. The numbers from "top"
include shared pages.

> > If you have 24MB of non-shared data in each smtpd(8), you are almost
> > certainly using a large number of Berkeley DB tables. In that case,
> > use CDB instead, CDB does not use non-shared pages for table access,
> > it just mmaps the entire table *read-only*.
> Sorry, no BDB, just MySQL.

You are not measuring correctly, so the issue is moot. If you examine
the process memory layout for one of the processes, and exclude shared
pages, and find large numbers, feel free to come back.


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