On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 01:35:49PM -0500, Thomas Polliard wrote:

> Im trying it now and just for the record, password was changed the moment I 
> hit send ;)  I had changed it to that prior to the test.  What is special 
> though about the base64 encoding thought it was just the password digested, 
> is there something else in there?

Don't confuse an "encoding" with encryption or a cryptographic digest.

    $ perl -e '
      use MIME::Base64;
      ($x = decode_base64(shift)) =~ s/\0/\\000/g;
      print $x, "\n";
      ' AHRob21hc0Bwb2xsaWFyZC5jb20AOWFodWdpdGU=

encodings are key-less and reversible, they just represent bit-strings
in a different form.


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