On 2009-11-11 Manoj Burande wrote:
> I have to configure my postfix mail server in following way so plese
> help me to accomplish the configuration.
> 1] Is it possible to configure my postfix mail server without a DNS
>    entry for mail.mydomain.com.?

Yes. MX records tell the world which server will accept inbound mail for
your domain. They have nothing to do with sending outbound mail.

> 2] It should only responsible to forward ALERT / INFO /CRITICAL
>    notifications generated by my local syslogd to me. I want generated
>    log reports to go to my "manoj.bura...@artificialmachines.com"
>    account.
> 3] I have hosted my JAVA application on the same server. And it will
>    ganerate mail to deliver to the users. e.g. mmbura...@gmail.com /
>    yahoo.com or manoj.bura...@artificialmachines.com etc..In short it
>    will deliver mail on the internet to other domain users.
> Thats it!..Nothing else will happen through the postfix mailserver.
> So please give me some guidelines to accomplish my postfix
> configuration in above mentioned manner. Or provide me any online
> usefull stuff for the same.

I believe this is covered by the standard configuration examples:


Ansgar Wiechers
"All vulnerabilities deserve a public fear period prior to patches
becoming available."
--Jason Coombs on Bugtraq

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