Thanks for your detailed response. Actually, the main reason which drove us
toward performing virus scanning as an offline process was performance. As
we deal with large amounts of e-mails, we found the way amavisd-new or other
filtering management tools performing filtering too slow. We intended to
somehow decrease the amount of load which amavisd-new or similar tools
impose on the architecture.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/30 Stan Hoeppner <>

> Ali Majdzadeh put forth on 11/30/2009 12:28 AM:
> > Hello all,
> > I do not know whether here is the right place to ask this question or
> > not, but I would like to know if it is a good idea to perform offline
> > e-mail virus scanning. By offline, I mean a scenario in which e-mail
> > filtering management tools (like amavisd-new) do not hand out received
> > e-mails to virus scanners (like clamav), instead, virus scanning is
> > performed on mailboxes as regular files on the file system. Does anyone
> > have any experiences regarding this scenario? Is at all this scenario
> > sane or applicable?
> Why would you ever want to write a virus to a user mailbox and then scan
> it later?  Unless you have a flawless realtime virus scanner daemon that
> checks every file as it's written to the file system, you open up the
> possibility that a user will open that mail file containing the virus
> before the system quarantines or deletes it.
> Why would you not want to identify a viral payload as soon as it hits
> your MTA, and delete it immediately?  This is analogous to waiting until
> the home invaders have entered your childrens' bedroom to call the
> police, instead of calling the police when you heard the front door
> being kicked down.
> Back in the day (maybe still) virus scanner plugins for Microsoft
> Exchange worked in a similar fashion.  And on occasion, disaster struck
> as a result of it, with a user's Outlook client pulling the viral email
> before the A/V plugin was able to scan it.  IIRC, the reason for this
> was two fold:  First, Microsoft had no interface to allow third party
> scanners to look at queue files directly, because doing so would
> literally break Exchange.  Second, because Exchange stores all mail
> files in a database instead of as individual files, A/V vendors were
> required to write SQL like queries to scan the records within the
> database.  Exchange is anything but a realtime database.  Because of
> this architecture, and the potentially large time delays created by a
> loaded system, it was impossible to guarantee anything close to realtime
> scanning of inbound mail.  I believe MS has since changed the
> architecture to allow A/V scanning of mail whilst it's in the inbound
> queue.  It's been a long time since I dealt with Exchange, the above
> architectural short sightedness being one of the reasons for that.
> In summary, scan the mail as it enters the edge MTA, and deal with viri
> at that point in time.  There may be extreme border cases for very large
> orgs where a tiered mail delivery approach and downstream A/V scanning
> is desirable, but I'm guessing your org doesn't fit in such a case.
> --
> Stan

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