Lucian @ put forth on 12/14/2009 1:16 AM:
> Hello,
> I need to delete all attachments from emails at server level. I'm
> using stock postfix in Centos 5 (v 2.3.3).
> I found renattach (, but this
> software seems to have been discontinued and the author does not
> recommend it anymore.
> Can you recommend another method of deleting attachments?

Does this server receive email from the internet?  Do you want to strip
attachments from both inbound and outbound email or just inbound email?
 The solution may vary, or require two separate solutions, depending on
the answers to these questions.  The solution may also vary depending on
whether this is a relay/gateway server or one that delivers mail to
local maildirs or to a local IMAP server such as dovecoat.

We need more details before we can steer you in the correct direction.
For instance, if you deliver mail locally to dovecoat, and you only want
to strip attachments from inbound mail, you can do this within dovecoat.
 If this is a gateway/relay only Postfix server, you will likely have to
implement inbound and outbound policy filters for stripping the attachments.


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