
I'm still trying to understand some things, so perhaps some of you could help me.

1) As far as I understood the address rewriting manual, rewriting (including the app...@origin and append.domain) happens in cleanup/trivial-rewrite, right? But I have the impression that at least some rewriting (namely app...@origin and append.domain) already takes place in the smtpd, does it? The reason to believe this is: As far as I understand it's the smtpd who verifies whether the domain part is in one of local, relay, virtual alias, virtual mailbox domains and whether the recipient exists for the corresponding domain, at least if:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = ... reject_unauth_destination ...
smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes
So if no rewriting is done at already the smtpd, just saying "RCPT TO:<root>" should not work, but if that is rewritten to r...@$myorigin it would (if that is e.g. in mydestination)
Right so far?

Or is this "probe" thingy happening here that I've read about:
Postfix creates a probe, that undergoes all the rewritings (including canonical, etc.) and then smtpd gets an answer whether this could be delivered or not?

So for all the restrictions and checks at smtpd level, which rewritings have already happened? Just the @origin and .domain or also the others (conical, masquerading,...)?

2) Further I assume, that already smtpd checks whether the envelope recipient address matches any of the configured domains, and I think this happens before most address rewritings (except app...@origin and append.domain). So if I send mail to f...@example.net this must already appear in one of the local/virtual_alias/virtual_mailbox/relay_domains. It is not enough if e.g. virtual aliasing rewrites f...@exmaple.net to f...@localhost (which I assume to be part of mydestination).
Right so far?

And this should be also the reason why one needs virtual_alias_domains, to accept those domains without having to list them in one of the other *_domains options?

So virtual aliasing allows in principle some kind of relaying as the rewritten address might be any remote address?!

Last but not least...
3) I thought it would be possible to send mail to u...@ if that matches inet_interfaces or proxy_interfaces.
However I always get:
Dec 27 21:12:42 example.com postfix/smtpd[7643]: warning: Illegal address syntax from example.net[] in RCPT command: <u...@>
and cannot find the reason for this.


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