On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:50:19AM -0300, Damian Rivas wrote:
> >Another possibility, as you mentioned that this is the gateway for 
> >Postfix, is that it has a misconfigured firewall that is doing 
> >both source and destination NAT of port 25 to your Postfix. I just 
> >tested this, and was unable to connect to, so if 
> >that was the case, it is probably fixed now.
> Yeah, I've figured out that the problem was a Firewall 
> vulnerability issue, port 25 was open to anyone. I've fixed that 
> and problem solved!

Ha! Good work. You read the logs, identified and fixed the problem,
without waiting to be given the answer.

> Thanks to you all for your help and my apologies because it was not 
> a Postfix issue at all,

No problem, I'm glad you caught it and got it fixed quickly. It's a
pleasure to help those who are working to help themselves.
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