On Jan 28, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Serge Fonville wrote:


I using virtual_alias_maps with mysql for storage. Working fine.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to update a timestamp field in the
mysql table when postfix finds a virtual_alias_maps match?

I'm looking for a way to measure alias usage and cull unused aliases.
Have you considered a stored procedure?

I have but was hoping for something simpler like I do with dovecot deliver where you create a script that calls deliver after you do what you want for logging and then name your script in something like deliver_exec = script.

Might be wrong with the names but thats more or less what takes place.

I'd prefer to keep as much of this type of thing in the config files. It seems to be easier to quickly see what's up when there is a problem.

I'll try the stored procedure if nothing more attractive turns up.

Thank you,
Bradley Giesbrecht

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