Am 29.01.2010 19:37, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Am 29.01.2010 18:49, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
>> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 06:41:48PM +0100, Robert Schetterer wrote:
>>>>> smtpd_sender_login_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_senders
>>>>> pico /etc/postfix/sasl_senders
>>>>> username
>>>>> which works as desired
>>>> As documented, in indexed files the first non-whitespace token is the
>>>> lookup *key*, and the remainder of the (possibly "folded") line is
>>>> the *value*.
>>>>    $ postmap -q "" hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_senders
>>>>    username
>>> sorry viktor, i dont understand, perhaps my english leaks here
>>> would you like to say that this cannot be done with sql?
>> Nothing of the sort. Just create an SQL query that returns ONLY the
>> lookup value and NOT the key.
>>      $ postmap -q "key" mysql:/etc/postfix/
>>      value
>> This is equivalent to a source file for indexing via postmap for "hash",
>> "btree", "cdb", ... containing:
>>      # Lookup key            Lookup value
>>      key                     value
>> Postfix uses the key to retrieve the value. You have royally confused
>> yourself into a misguided belief that the lookup key needs to be returned
>> by the query, just because that's what you see in the *source* files used
>> by postmap(1) to construct simple indexed tables. In those tables too,
>> the lookup result is just the value.
> Hi Viktor,
> what i wanna goal is
> having a sql query that matches
> the username ( which in my case is equal to sasl_auth and email address
> ) and allready works, and a special look up in case the username is in
> another table called domain_admins to allow these users send mail
> for all mail adresses in their domain
> this is for some dummy customers which have broken boxes need
> to relay all addresses of their domain only by the one authed domain
> admin user
> the layout sql superadmin,domainadmin,user are from postfixadmin
> i tried to use an additional hash table to the norme user sql query ,
> but this fails
> with existing user as all queries are honored, so an overide
> of the normal user sql query with hash table isnt possible,
> therefor i came up with the idea to build same table with sql query as
> in hash table
> i now understand whats your meaning with key so i will try to fix the
> query but as iam now sql guru i dont know if i cant goal this
 this works

query = SELECT username FROM domain_admins WHERE domain='%d'
UNION SELECT username FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s' AND active = 1

thx Viktor for speeding up my brain *g

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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