On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:53 AM, fsuel <frederic.s...@etca.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'am from the french ministry of defense and we have a opensource
> project about trusted messaging system. The aims of the global project
> is to build more trusted email system with components as Thunderbird and
> PostFix. All of the project is call TRUSTEDBIRD  with the agreement of
> the Mozilla Foundation :  www.trustedbird.org
> We developped somes script for to setup an email gateway managing
> several priorities (with Postfix and Qpsmtpd) and Qos over the nerwork.
> Sould it be possible to have informations listed on the Posfix Addon
> Software page with the subtitle Management of priority ?
> You can find informations about the addon here :
> http://www.trustedbird.org/tb/Priority_email_gateway

Well, add a tos/dscp action for restriction/{header|body}_checks,
writing the value to queue file, and doing qmgr pass to smtp client
this tos/dscp as command args, do the job. Tos/dscp action can be no
terminative action, also "filter" could be.

I'd like see restrictions support to non-terminative actions, to set
some behavior but not skip nexts acls jumping to next restriction
(useful for "FILTER", "WARN" and TOS/DSCP proposed action). Something
like "set behavior and dunno".

Reinaldo de Carvalho

"Don't try to adapt the software to the way you work, but rather
yourself to the way the software works" (myself)

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