Hello List

Is there a module or configuration element to postfix that will allow for increasingly aggressive throttling of mails as they try to pass more mail through a server on an individual ip basis? I have looked at policyd which seems great but includes only a static throttling to x mails per time period.

Eg  10 mails per minute no problem
100 mails per minute thottled down to only 20 per minute
1000 mails per minute thorttled down to 1 per minute
>1000 mails per minute 1 per hour

These numbers are meant to only be indicative rather than absolute. I would imagine that the system use some sort of token bucket system

There is a pdf here http://spam.ani.univie.ac.at/files/cnis05.pdf that talks of it in general terms but i am unable to find any real world examples.

Thanks in advance for any advice etc.



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