Hi all

This is probably a rank newbie question, but I've been unable to find
an answer via Google or the archives, so hopefully someone here can
point me in the right direction.

As I understand it, smtpd_banner is used for both the banner line when
someone connects to my server, and also when Postfix connects to
another server to send mail. Stop me now if this is completely wrong

The problem I have is that I've been getting rejected mail from a
couple of specific recipients, saying "550 Access denied - Invalid
HELO name (See RFC2821 (in reply to MAIL FROM command)".

My smtpd_banner is set to "$mylocalhost ESMTP". The localhost is the
full localname+domain. I took "(Postfix)" out of the banner because
I'm paranoid and don't like advertising what specific software is
offering a service - is that omission now causing a problem?

Now, when I change that banner to be _only_ the hostname, the remote
server accepts the mail just fine - it appears to be choking on the
"ESMTP" part. I verified this by telnetting into the remote server and
greeting with "ehlo host.domain.com ESMTP", and it was rejected, then
trying without and it was accepted.

But I don't want to take ESMTP out of the banner, because I understand
it's serving a useful purpose to hosts which deliver to my domain. Is
this mistaken? Does it actually matter much?

And my final questions are: is this mistaken config on my part? Should
I be doing something differently? Assuming I have no control over the
remote end which is rejecting our mail, and assuming it's a client we
definitely need to communicate with, is it a big deal to drop the
ESMTP from the smtpd_banner if that means mail gets through? And
lastly, mainly as curiosity, is there a way to configure different
banners for different purposes, such as inbound vs outbound, or on
different interfaces, and so on?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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