When a user emailed one of our customers, this line came up in the logs:

Mar  2 15:43:22 mailgate postfix/smtp[4830]: 89423170093: to=<u...@domain.com>, 
relay=domain.com.inbound15.mxlogicmx.net[]:25, delay=1.4, 
delays=0/0/0.27/1.2, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Backend Replied 
[dc87d8b4.0.970491.00-043.1797288.p02c11m002.mxlogic.net]: 2.6.0 

After searching on Google, there seemed to be others asking the same question 
as me however I couldn't find a definite answer. Many of them were talking 
about emails not getting delivered.

What does "250 Backend Replied" mean? Should I be worried about this?

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