On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 10:10 -0400, Manuel Mely wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to change my hostname based on the relay i'm using?
> For example, i have postfix servers in an ha config that relays to three
> differents mail service providers, this providers restricts me in what
> helo i have
> to use;
How do you rotate your relay servers  .. DNS Round robin ? 

>  so if i'm using ISP1 as relay, i must identify as helo1.mydomain
> if i'm using ISP2 then helo2.mydomain... this it's really annoying but
> rules are rules.
> Then, i need a way to change the helo based on the sender_dependent_relayhost
Sender dependent ?  If I understand correctly all you need is distribute
between three servers. 

This seems difficult with a single postfix instance. Probably running a
second instance will help. 

* Run another instance with 3 different smtpd processes on 3 new ips 
* The first instance sends the mail to all these 3 ips in round robin
* On the second instance depending on the entry ip write a FILTER rule
to send using a different smtp process
* Control the helo in the smtp process you use

That seems pretty complicated :-) And you will also add an unnecessary
hop for every mail.  If you get a better a solution let me know too. 


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