
I have a small question about anvil: every now and then it logs three
lines about statistics. I don't quite understand what they mean. This is
an example:

Mar 17 00:30:49 mx postfix/anvil[28510]: statistics: max connection rate
1/60s for (mx.mydomain.eu:smtp: at Mar 17 00:27:28
Mar 17 00:30:49 mx postfix/anvil[28510]: statistics: max connection
count 1 for (mx.mydomain.eu:smtp: at Mar 17 00:27:28
Mar 17 00:30:49 mx postfix/anvil[28510]: statistics: max cache size 1 at
Mar 17 00:27:28

The IP mentioned in the lines is the last one that connected just before
anvil logged these statistics (yes, that's the postfix-users mailing list).

Could anyone please explain for each of these three lines what they
exactly mean? I don't think anything is wrong, it's just that I like to
fully understand what't going on, and I haven't figured this out yet.
Also anvil doesn't log these statistics for every connection made, just
every so many minutes. Is there something special about the specific IP
address that it logs?

Kind regards,


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