O/H Victor Duchovni έγραψε:
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 05:41:24PM +0200, ?????????????????? 
?????????????????????? wrote:

Postfix does not send "mail read" notifications.
You mean that these notifications are not part of the Postfix System?

They can't be. Postfix is a doctor not escalator (oops an MTA not a mail
client). Since you are discussing *read* notifications, and messages are
read by MUAs long after they are delivered into a mail store by the MTA,
the MTA is not involved in read notifications.  It is clear that read
notices are sent (optionally) by the MUA that displays the message to
the user, Postfix may convey such messages to the recipient, but it
is not responsible for their content.

So these messages are "produced" by the MUA and only the MUA who is compleltely responsible about the format
of the messages.


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