I'm sorry but since I install Postfix (a lot of years) it's the first time I have this problem, (blacklisted in Backscatter.org, SORBS-SPAM) and I would like to know why !

Actually the server is a mail relay for a Zimbra server (www.zimbra.com) on two Vservers on the same host. I don't find any explanation on why our IP is listed on Backscatter.org, on the website the request page notify this note:

This IP is temporary listed.
The listing will expire automatically and free of charge 4 weeks after the last abuse is seen from that IP. Expedited manual express delisting is available as an option, in case you do not want to wait for the automatic and free expiration.
You will be charged 50 Euro's using one of the following payment services.

It's not an ABUSE !!!

But what should be the origin of the problem and what is the quick fix ?

Thanks in advance.


Martijn de Munnik - Postfix List a écrit :
On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 15:31:18 +0100, Sam Przyswa <s...@arial-concept.com>
The problem occur when we send mail to this domain, we had no problems before we changed our IP mail server and MX record for our domain.

Your mailserver seems to be listed on several blacklists, please fix those
problems first.


maybe others...

Martijn de Munnik - Postfix List a écrit :
On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 15:06:42 +0100, Sam Przyswa

On last Postfix install on new server some mails are refused with
550 5.7.1 se the report :
Are these mails entering your system or are these mails leaving your
system? If the mails are leaving your system then the remote site has
decided not to accept your e-mail.

<c.tra...@aflo.be>: host gw.aflo.be[] said: 550 5.7.1 Your
    messages have been blocked by the recipient OR by Trend Micro
    Reputation Service. Contact the recipient or his/her administrator
    alternate means to resolve the issue. (in reply to RCPT TO

How to fix ?

Thanks for your help.


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