On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:54:54AM -0400, James R. Marcus wrote:
> Does anyone have logrotate working correctly for maillog on a 
> weekly basis?  I'm not sure if its my logrotate config:

It is.

> /var/log/maillog {
> rotate 100
> compress
> weekly
> dateext
> notifempty
> copytruncate
> postrotate
>        /etc/init.d/postfix reload

Why? This is the error. You need to restart your syslog daemon.

> endscript
> }
> Can someone who has this working correctly post their logrotate 
> config.

This works out of the box with Slackware, and probably any other OS
which ships logrotate. My config would not be useful to you. You
should be looking in your OS documentation and follow up to a forum
for your OS.
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