On 4/18/2010 3:38 PM, Charles wrote:
Following the firewall/smtp relay page

- internal servers *send* through *my-relay*
- *my-relay* forwards to *master-relay*
- valid email is passing through for all the clients as expected.

- *master-relay* kicks back any undeliverable emails to *my-relay*
I want the undeliverable email to be sent and received on *my-relay*
and not my work account.
- I work with end users to "fix" their undeliverable issue.

-- Bounce messages are *not* being received back from the *master-relay*
to *my-relay*.

Sorry, your question isn't entirely clear to me.

Bounces are always sent to the envelope sender.

If a downstream relay isn't returning bounces to the envelope sender,
you need to take that up with the operators of the downstream relay.

If you need to control which user receives the bounce, adjust the
envelope sender on OUTGOING mail.

If this doesn't cover your question, please try to rephrase or show
logs of what occurs vs. what you expect to happen.

-- Noel Jones

Thanks for the reply..

I *guess* I was wanting to know that the configuration I *do* have
is configured correctly to receive an invalid message sent *through* my
This relay is replacing the old Sendmail relay ..

Some clarification.
[send only host] => [*my-relay*] => [*master-relay*] => Final-Recipient
in the case that the Final-Recipient is invalid for whatever reason..
the *master-relay* returns the message back to *my-relay* ..
since the send only host can't receive "their invalid" message it ends
up in my queue and then times out..

This worked without incident on the old Sendmail relay.. so I am sure
that the
(downstream relay) configuration is correct... and the issue is with my
new relay..
(I will be talking to the downstream relay admin tomorrow to see if they
can give me any ideas)

I am thinking that I might just need to remove this line
local_transport = error:local mail delivery is disabled

If the envelope sender (bounce recipient) domain is listed in $mydestination, then yes, you should remove this line OR arrange for that recipient to be delivered elsewhere OR use a different envelope sender that is deliverable.

Hope this clarifies the issue..

Postfix logs help you know what happened to a particular message. Look in your logs for bounces (sender=<>) arriving from your relayhost, and see what postfix does with it. No need to wonder where they went.

  -- Noel Jones

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