On Monday 19 April 2010 09:51:52 mohamad rahimi wrote:
> In our group we are using suse and
> Postfix SMTP server. Every thing was fine until last month when we
> restart our mail server and also firewall.
> The first problem is that when we use
> Thunderbird with security and Authentication it is impossible to send
> a email. we receive this error “Unable to authentication to SMTP
> server  mx.mydomain. The server does not support any compatible
> secure authentication mechanism but you have chosen secure
> authentication.

Could it be that authentication depends on a daemon and that daemon isn't in 
your start-up scripts?

But without details of how it was configured I'm just guessing.

So it could be as simple as: "/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon start"

And then ensuring it is in the start-up.

Post here output of postconf, and also any errors, and others can probably 
give more specific advice.

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