I agree 100% - I told him that it's not possible, but was curious of the
answer as it might make sense for a VERY small organization that needs to
contain sensitive data, BUT I can't imagine doing this myself or
realistically for our business - what a mess that would be.  

You've confirmed my thoughts.  Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org
[mailto:owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] On Behalf Of Matt Hayes
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 8:45 AM
To: postfix-users@postfix.org
Subject: Re: Outgoing Approval Queue - Yes This is a Dumb Idea

On 4/26/2010 8:39 AM, Zachary Burns wrote:
> I have a company controller that loves to micro-manage people and
> unfortunately loves to do it with software instead of dealing with the
> people problem...but anyway I'm getting off on a rant....
> Is there a way to have postfix queue outgoing mail until he reviews it and
> if it's valid release the email and send it as normal.  I can write a web
> interface to have him allow/deny messages in the queue, but wanted to even
> know if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
> If he wants to sit there all day approving/denying messages that's fine
> me (but I think it's a waste - just fire the employees!  There's plenty of
> good people out there that would love a job now-a-days).
> Zack


Slap him.. first of all.  Second.. WHY?  Third.. "Not that I know of"

Even if company emails is considered company 'property' at times,
there's still a question of privacy and what laws he COULD be breaking
doing as such.

and that's.. like you said, a dumb idea.  He'll 1) forget to do it 2) be
too much that he gives up 3) see things he probably shouldn't 4)
vacation and it won't get done.

I can go on, there are just a LOT of reasons why you do NOT want to
allow this.


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