Sahil Tandon wrote (on Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 12:02:34AM -0400):
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, N. Yaakov Ziskind wrote:
> > Sahil Tandon wrote (on Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:23:22PM -0400):
> > > Assuming you did not make any mistakes while editing syslog.conf, did
> > > you restart syslogd(8) after making the changes? Postfix simply logs to
> > > the mail facility; how syslogd(8) handles this is not a Postfix issue.
> > 
> > yes, with /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart; I also HUPed the only process, 
> > 'rsyslogd -c4', to come out of 'ps ax|grep log'.
> You are aware that rsyslogd != sys(k)logd, right?
> -- 
> Sahil Tandon <>

Not as aware as I should be, I suppose, but yes - which is why I
restarted both. I basically looked for everything with log in it in
/etc/init.d and ps ax, and restarted them, including /etc/init.d/klogd.

Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, FSPA, LLM
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 
Economic Group Pension Services
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants

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