Trier, James:
> Hi,
> I'm standing up Postfix to intercept inbound email to a particular
> domain. What I'd like to do is take the inbound emails that reach
> this Postfix host, regardless of its final destination address,
> and place them on the file system as a flat file. And that's it.
> We have another custom application that is going poll that directory
> and run some customizations on the messages and then forward them
> to an internal application that is using JAVA Mail to process
> them.
> Does anyone have any examples or simple solutions for this configuration?

Postfix can be configured to deliver all mail to a command that
saves each message to file, and have a polling process deliver
mail.  But that is terrible from a performance and reliability
point of view. If the JAVAMAIL system can accept mail over SMTP or
LMTP, then the whole system will be much more performant and much
more reliable.

    mydestination = static:all
    default_transport = pipe_to_file

    pipe_to_file     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
        user=xxx argv=/some/where/command ${sender} ${recipient}

Where /some/where/command accepts ONE sender command-line argument
and MANY recipient command-line arguments, and saves each message
with sender and recipient to a unique file, in a manner such that
the JAVAMAIL system does not deliver messages before they are
completely stored.


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