OK, this is in case of my Thunderbird Debian lenn package, but what
about the Gmail syntax error warning ??? In Hotmail is the same, it
tells me that the recipient address just must have 1-9, a-z and @
characters....in this case with my IDN domain I wiil remain isolate of
the Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail world and it's not good !!!

Any comment ???

2010/5/27 Brian Evans - Postfix List <grkni...@scent-team.com>:
> On 5/27/2010 2:29 PM, Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:
>> Dear all, I've just made a test from Gmail and my Thunderbird mail
>> client sending a mail to a non-real IDN mail user:
>> alejan...@años.com.ar
>> - My Thunderbird says: "An error ocurred while sending mail. Tha mail
>> servers responded: 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax" (THIS IS A
> This is due to a (very old) CLIENT bug, [1]
> The server is just complaining about bad CLIENT syntax.
> [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=127399
>> - The Gmail webmail says: "One o more mail address in "To:" box is not
>> recognized" (THIS IS A CLIENT RESPONSE)
>> So, I think the IDN domain name support is not complete nowadays,
>> neither by mail servers nor by mail clients. So it's not convenient
>> the IDN mail implementation in this bad situation.
>> What do you think about this matter ???
>> Really thanks
>> 2010/5/26 Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org>:
>>> Alejandro Cabrera Obed:
>>>> Wietse, thanks...but in Postfix I have to work with the ?o?o.com.ar
>>>> domain name or with the xn--oo-yjab.gov.ar punycode domain name ???
>>> Read carefully.
>>> The MAIL CLIENT must tranform non-ASCII domain names before
>>> sending MAIL FROM or RCPT TO commands.
>>>        Wietse

Alejandro Cabrera Obed

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