> If sandals.richw.org should not require SASL authentication, then
> you should not turn on SASL authentication on sandals.richw.org.

Ah.  Indeed, I had inadvertently enabled SASL authentication in the
Sandals SMTP server (smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes in that server's
Postfix configuration).  This is turned off now.  Thanks.

Am I correct, though, in understanding that if I use sender-dependent
authentication (smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes), then any
given sender address (with a username / password specified in Postfix's
SASL password map) is always going to use the same sender-dependent
username / password info for *all* relay hosts that need authentication?

In other words, if I need a given sender address to use one username
/ password when sending something to relay host A -- and a different
username / password when that same sender is sending something to relay
host B -- am I currently out of luck?

Rich Wales

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