On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Jack Browning:
>> I'm curious as to why the generic map isn't working for mail sent to
>> the relayhost.
> Generic mapping is implemented in the Postfix SMTP client, so you
> need to configure the Postfix SMTP client appropriately.  Setting
> the generic mapping on other Postfix programs has no effect.

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding because of my description of the issue.

To connect to the ATT/U-verse SMTP server, I am using a variant of the
configuration described at:


The only differences in my stunnel.conf and the stunnel.conf in the
README are nominal, to wit:

r...@dell:/etc/init.d# cat /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
client = yes
foreground = no

accept = 2525
connect = smtp.att.yahoo.com:smtps

My main.cf looks like this:

r...@dell:/etc/postfix# postconf -n
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
append_dot_mydomain = yes
biff = no
config_directory = /etc/postfix
home_mailbox = Maildir/
inet_interfaces = all
inet_protocols = all
mailbox_size_limit = 104857600
message_size_limit = 52428800
mydestination = dell.jnjroos.net, localhost.jnjroos.net, localhost, jnjroos.net
myhostname = dell.jnjroos.net
mynetworks =,
myorigin = /etc/mailname
queue_minfree = 78643200
relayhost = [localhost]:2525
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes
smtp_use_tls = no
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)

Note the relayhost specification, which, again, only differs nominally
from the configuration stated in the README. Note, too, the
specification of smtp_sasl_password_maps, which implements the
sender-based authentication the remote server requires. Finally, note
the specification of smtp_generic_maps, which I had hoped would
rewrite the sender address for outgoing mail being delivered to the
relayhost. "jnjroos.net" is, of course, a fantasy name for my local

As I stated in my original post, everything works as it should when
the local e-mail clients (Windows Live Mail and Sylpheed) are
configured with the user's ATT e-mail address as the From address.
Here is a redacted log excerpt for outgoing mail when the local
clients are configured that way:

Jun  1 13:42:28 dell postfix/smtpd[16260]: connect from
Jun  1 13:42:28 dell postfix/smtpd[16260]: 6E5C71C157:
Jun  1 13:42:28 dell postfix/cleanup[16263]: 6E5C71C157:
Jun  1 13:42:28 dell postfix/qmgr[16015]: 6E5C71C157:
from=<xxx...@att.net>, size=828, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun  1 13:42:28 dell postfix/smtpd[16260]: disconnect from
Jun  1 13:42:29 dell postfix/smtp[16264]: 6E5C71C157:
to=<yyy...@gmail.com>, relay=[]:2525, delay=1.3,
delays=0.06/0/1/0.22, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK , completed)
Jun  1 13:42:29 dell postfix/qmgr[16015]: 6E5C71C157: removed

As you can see,  everything (including sender-based authentication)
works, and the delivery to the remote host (via Postfix's SMTP client)
is successful.

Now, when I change the From address in the local e-mail clients to the
user's local e-mail address, i.e., from xxx...@att.net to
zzz...@jnjroos.net, this is what happens:

Jun  1 14:17:24 dell postfix/smtpd[16469]: connect from
Jun  1 14:17:24 dell postfix/smtpd[16469]: B01C11C157:
Jun  1 14:17:24 dell postfix/cleanup[16472]: B01C11C157:
Jun  1 14:17:24 dell postfix/qmgr[16317]: B01C11C157:
from=<zzz...@jnjroos.net>, size=850, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun  1 14:17:24 dell postfix/smtpd[16469]: disconnect from
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/smtp[16473]: B01C11C157:
to=<yyy...@gmail.com>, relay=localhost[]:2525, delay=0.28,
delays=0.05/0.01/0.18/0.04, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host
localhost[] said: 530 authentication required - for help go
to http://help.yahoo.com/sbc/dsl/mail/pop/pop-11.html (in reply to
MAIL FROM command))
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/cleanup[16472]: 2144A1C297:
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/bounce[16475]: B01C11C157: sender
non-delivery notification: 2144A1C297
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/qmgr[16317]: 2144A1C297: from=<>,
size=2825, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/qmgr[16317]: B01C11C157: removed
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/local[16476]: 2144A1C297:
to=<zzz...@jnjroos.net>, relay=local, delay=0.02,
delays=0.01/0.01/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir)
Jun  1 14:17:25 dell postfix/qmgr[16317]: 2144A1C297: removed

No address rewriting is occurring even though Postfix is invoking its
SMTP client to deliver the mail to the remote host, and my generic map
(after postmap and a reload) contains an entry like this:

zzz...@jnjroos.net    xxx...@att.net

I suspect that because the sender address is not being rewritten by
the generic map the password lookup is also failing, so that a non-ATT
sender address *and* garbage credentials are being sent to the remote

I find this behavior quite perplexing, because generic mapping has
worked flawlessly for me in the past, when my relayhost parameter
pointed to an actual SMTP server with an Internet (as opposed to
local) network address. The only difference this time around seems to
be specifying the local endpoint of the stunnel connection as the

This the first time I've had to use sender-based authentication, so I
have no experience with how it should be interacting with address

I hope this clarifies the issue I am facing. Again, I am using Postfix
2.5.1 on Ubuntu 8.04 x64 LTS.


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