On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 12:32:43AM +0100, Matthew Valentino wrote:
> I'm new to Postfix, and I'm learning all I can from the readme files.
> However, I'm using CentOS 5.5 and the repo contains v2.3 of postfix.
> Building from source is causing strange problems with yum. Is there anywhere
> I don't know about where I can find an RPM for a current version of Postfix?

My question would be -- do you really need it?  Especially for a
production deployment, it's nice to use the vendor provided packages as
they will receive regular security updates and such.

If I recall, however, there is an updated version in CentOS-extras (or
maybe it's centosplus, I forget).

You're other "RedHat'ish" option would be to rebuild the Fedora 13
SRPM's for CentOS.  Could be a bit of a learning curve there though. :)

If possible, just stick with 2.3 unless there's some specific feature
you're missing.


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