On Sat, 2010-07-10 at 14:15 +0200, Administrator Beckspaced.com wrote:
> On 7/9/2010 16:13, Administrator Beckspaced.com wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 7/9/2010 14:40, Ram wrote:
> >> On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 13:35 +0200, Administrator Beckspaced.com wrote:
> >>> On 7/9/2010 13:27, Robert Schetterer wrote:
> >>>> Am 09.07.2010 12:51, schrieb Administrator Beckspaced.com:
> >>>>>    hello robert,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> thanks a lot for your quick reply ...
> >>>>> actually it is not always the same IP or host sending the error 
> >>>>> bounces ...
> >>>>> the bounces are sent from hundred of different IP addresses ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> any more idea?
> >>>>>
> >> Usually you can do very little to prevent forging your domain and
> >> sending spam.
> >> Some months ago one client of ours too had the same issue, but the issue
> >> is very temporary.
> >> The short term solution , as someone suggested, will be to temporarily
> >> defer all NDR's  with a sender check regex file like
> >> /<>/    450    Try Later
> >>
> >>
> >> ( The RFC's say you cant do this .. but sometimes you must be
> >> practical :-) )
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > From my personal experience I found that if , for your regular mailing
> >> you use some sender authentication mechanism like SPF then these NDR's
> >> significantly reduce. For eg many servers reject forged messages based
> >> on SPF checks so you dont get NDR's from them at least.
> >>
> >> I guess , spammers ( the more intelligent ones ... I mean )  too would
> >> be less inclined to forge a domain that uses sender authentication
> >> Because that will reduce the deliverability of their spams
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Ram
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > hello again robert & ram
> >
> > thanks again for your ideas ...
> >
> > so i had another search in google about that backscatter topic and 
> > sort of found a nice, simple & also quick solution?
> >
> > SAFE MODE with Postfix:
> >
> > Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> > smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
> > ...
> > check_sender_access dbm:/etc/postfix/check_backscatterer
> > ...
> > Create new file:/etc/postfix/check_backscatterer:
> > <> reject_rbl_client ips.backscatterer.org
> > postmaster reject_rbl_client ips.backscatterer.org
> >
> > well ... had to change the postfix dbm lookup to hash and do a postmap 
> > on the file ...
> > but now this seems to work as it already rejected a few emails 
> > according to the mail log ...
> >
> > more info can be found here ->
> >
> > http://www.backscatterer.org
> >
> > does anyone have any experience with that list?
> > is this a good longterm solution?
> >
> > best regards
> > becki
> >
> hello again ram, robert & postfix users ;-)
> already posted yesterday about the backscatterer.org ...
> but was a bit too skeptical to do the check on ALL NDR's for ALL email 
> accounts on my mail server ...
> so i had a look around to do the check ONLY for that specific email account.
> it's actually quite easy with smtpd_restriction_classes
> i thought i will write a short 'todo' as it might help some other mail 
> server administrators out there ... who knows?
> so first thing is to setup a restriction class in main.cf ->
> smtpd_restriction_classes = reject_ndr_class
> reject_ndr_class = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/backscatter_check
> now create the backscatter_check file in /etc/postfix/
> touch /etc/postfix/backscatter_check
> and fill in this data
> <>              reject_rbl_client       ips.backscatterer.org
> postmaster      reject_rbl_client       ips.backscatterer.org
> MAILER-DAEMON   reject_rbl_client       ips.backscatterer.org

use a regexp: file 
I dont think <> is supported in a hash: file

/<>/    reject_rbl_client       ips.backscatterer.org
/^postmaster/   reject_rbl_client       ips.backscatterer.org  

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