On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 11:47:42AM -0400, James R. Marcus wrote:
> We send email to new users and frequently they give us false 
> addresses or the address gets entered incorrectly.  One example

"They give us false addresses" ... sounds like you need to do some 
sort of verification in the place where they are giving you these 
addresses. A web form? Off-topic here, of course.

> would be instead of aol.com the address gets entered as aol.cm. I

Not a good example, because this is not a problem.

aol.cm.                 86400   IN      MX      5 mx1.emailparking.com.

$ host mx1.emailparking.com.
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

> would like to bounce invalid addresses quickly instead of retrying 
> them for days on end.

If the recipient domain does not resolve, do not accept that address 
from your user. This could be tested in your web form. If you 
accepted it anyway, it will stay in your queue until the first retry 
attempt after $maximal_queue_lifetime.

If the recipient domain does resolve, but the address is not valid 
there, they should reject you on your first attempt, and you have a 
bounce for your bounce-handling code to deal with. Why are you 
retrying after rejection?

If the recipient domain does resolve, but the address is not valid 
there, but they reject you with temporary errors, there is nothing 
you can do. It's THAT site which has the problem.

>  Its my understanding yahoo.com, hotmail.com etc change our 
> domain's Sender Score based on retrying non existent addresses
> i.e. usernames.

This might be so, but again, there is no reason why you should try 
more than once. Is your Web form continuing to generate 

> I figured this might be a common scenario and read the FAQ on Kyle 
> Dent's site. I don't want to bounce emails that have been deferred.

Nope, this is not a common scenario. If you have a real-world 
problem, you should describe it better, and include relevant logs 
with postconf -n output.

One WAG included free of charge:
Did you set "soft_bounce = yes"?

> I would like to hear if other people have implemented similar 
> solutions?

It might be desirable to put commonly-misspelled domain names in a 
transport(5) table, but so far that's not what you have talked about. 
If that's what you want, Google has examples of that on this list's 
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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