On 17-Jul-2010, at 00:55, Aravind Divakaran wrote:
> ####### Changed From Original Script to obtain From address #########
> from_address=`grep -m 1 "From:" in.$$ | cut -d "<" -f2 | cut -d ">" -f1 |
> cut -d ":" -f2 | cut -d "@" -f2`
> if [ $from_address == $domain1 ]; then

Wouldn't it make more sense, logically, to have simply set disclaimer.txt based 
on the domain (maybe even with a case/esac block) and then have a single call 
altermime? It would certainly make adding more domains more strightforward.

Minor point

'I thought we could do it without anyone getting hurt. By using our
brains.' 'Can't. History don't work like that. Blood first, then
brains.' 'Mountains of skulls,' said Truckle.  'There's got to be a
better way than fighting,' said Mr Saveloy.  'Yep. Lots of 'em. Only
none of 'em work.' --Interesting Times

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