----- Original Message ----- From: "LuKreme" <krem...@kreme.com>
To: "postfix users" <postfix-users@postfix.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 9:31 PM
Subject: Postfix and greylisting

What's the best choice with current 2.7 postfix for enabling greylisting? I
am still using postgrey, but I don't think that really takes advantage of
any of the new features in current postfix that would make greylisting more


I'm using postgrey quite a long time but I think there are more efficient
ways to block spam.
Running pflogsumm on maillog gives the following numbers

Totally blocked 85
Blocking countries (using client host name and helo): 7
relay access denied: 45
spamhaus: 8
cannot find your hostname: 23
greylisting: 2  (only blocked for 30 sec)

spamassassin started by procmail didn't have to block anything

Yes I'm blocking complete countries (using the domain name), because no one
on my server expects to get mail form e.g. china (cn).
If someone from China wants to mail me, he can use gmail, hotmail etc.....


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