On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 07:12:14PM +0200, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

>  On 13.09.2010 18:59 Victor Duchovni wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 06:52:49PM +0200, ???????????????? 
>> ?????????????????? wrote:
>>> /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf
>>> Important line:
>>> query = SELECT destination FROM view_aliases WHERE '%s' like
>>> concat('%%',email,'%%') and '%s' not in (select email from
>>> view_users);
>> Think about the full set of lookup keys Postfix will use.
> Yes, that's the second option... To use %u if someone confirm that lookup 
> key is replaced just first time it is found.

You need to make sure that Postfix does not send partial keys, when
doing pattern matching. The closest you get is '%...@%d' which will not
try '@domain' keys or bare user keys, but if you have a recipient
delimiter, it will still try 'user+extens...@domain' and only then
'u...@domain', so you can't combine what you are doing with address

They pattern matching you are trying to do is really a bad idea IMHO,
but its your rope...


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