On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Jay G. Scott wrote:

they haven't started shouting yet, but i sense it's coming.

i don't think i need to be exhaustive.  but right now
i don't have anything i can use to win this argument,
objectively, anyway.

And ed is the standard editor, and has a great memory footprint on the Timex Sinclair 1000. :-)

The following arguments are about as objective as you're going to get, I'm afraid:

1) It speaks SMTP, ESMTP, and SMTP over secure channels. Just like Sendmail. Imagine that.

2) The configuration files do not require a masters degree in both linguistics and computer science. Just requires a bit of moxie. Not necessarily the soda - but that's your call.

3) Last I checked, the O'Reilly book isn't as thick as the Sendmail tome.

And this one applies primarily if it is, indeed, the case:

4) It's working. It's moving mail. It's not causing the magic smoke to come out of the machine room. Unless they plan on regular direct interaction with the mail server (oppose merely sending and receiving email), then they just need to put on the big girl panties and deal with it.

To be blunt, if your Sendmail guys are going to gripe about memory footprint, then it's probably time for them to move Sendmail off of the 386 SX 25 with 4 MB of RAM, and perhaps relegate said 386 to maybe serving internal NTP for a six machine LAN. :-) This said, if they need an MTA that will also do the dishes, they might want to go to Sears and ask somebody some questions


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