Le 04/10/2010 21:37, Alfonso Alejandro Reyes Jimenez a écrit :

Hi, everyone.

I have an issue with some users that are spoofing our mail server, rightnow we can restrict the spoofing on the same server.

But if they use another smtp server pretending that they are on our domain the can send those emails.

That's a FEATURE in smtp...

I use to work with websense which can be configured to get only mails from the users and ip address that belong to the domain, is there some way to tell postfix that he owns the domain mycompany.com and it reject everything that pretend to be the same domain?

Or any other idea to prevent the outside spoofing?

you can certainly do

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access_sender

== access_sender:
mydomain.example    REJECT blah blah
.mydomain.example    REJECT blah blah

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