Upon research I found that using a virtual transport may be causing this
issue. Since I have virtual domains I am wondering if it is somehow possible
to switch the transport based on the email coming in.

In addition, as another option, I am wondering if I can switch the transport
to local and still support virtual domains.

This is necessary for my setup.

Thank you for your time.


Christopher Koeber
On Oct 4, 2010 8:54 PM, "Christopher Koeber" <ckoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Jeroen Geilman <jer...@adaptr.nl> wrote:
>> On 10/04/2010 07:41 PM, Christopher Koeber wrote:
>> Just to give an update for everyone who can help:
>> 1. The system uses an OpenLDAP database for virtual aliases. So my
>> virtual_alias_maps points to an LDAP lookup for this.
>> 2. The domain for the Mailman setup as well as the actual email
>> accounts is the same:
>> 1. For example: I will be using l...@example.com ALONG WITH
>> accou...@example.com. Does that make sense?
>> 3. The emails for students current works but I get a bounceback for
>> anything sent to the list.
>> Anything else I can try? Thanks.
>> Don't underestimate the impact of Zimbra on a previously-functioning
>> postfix server; they mangle the configuration significantly.
>> I would suggest you configure a subdomain for mailman first, to verify
>> your config actually works with a list domain.
>> If that does work, you can tweak it to use your normal mail domain later.
>> --
>> J.
> OK, following your suggestion here and I followed all of the steps. When I
> actually send a message to the list I get this:
> ---------------------------------------------
> Oct 4 20:49:04 WTS-ZIMBRA postfix/virtual[9636]: 25656321552: to=<
> allstude...@wts-zimbra.wesleysem.edu>, orig_to=<
> allstude...@students.wesleyseminary.edu>, relay=virtual, delay=406,
> delays=0.36/405/0/0.12, dsn=4.2.0, status=deferred (delivery failed to
> mailbox //"|/usr/lib64/mailman/mail/mailman post allstudents": unable to
> create lock file //"|/usr/lib64/mailman/mail/mailman post
> No such file or directory)
> Oct 4 20:49:09 WTS-ZIMBRA postfix/virtual[9635]: 0635D321524: to=<
> allstude...@wts-zimbra.wesleysem.edu>, orig_to=<
> allstude...@students.wesleyseminary.edu>, relay=virtual, delay=566,
> delays=72/489/0/5, dsn=4.2.0, status=deferred (delivery failed to mailbox
> //"|/usr/lib64/mailman/mail/mailman post allstudents": unable to create
> file //"|/usr/lib64/mailman/mail/mailman post allstudents".lock: No such
> file or directory)
> ---------------------------------------------
> Notice that instead of piping to the mailman service I get this "unable to
> create lockfile" problem.
> Shouldn't postfix actually pipe to the program mailman?
> Anyone seen that before?
> Thanks.

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